New to CNL?
Find out more about the league format, how to progress from each stage and what you need to join our Canadian Ninja League community! Read further to understand the different stages and format for this season.
Stage 1
It all begins with Stage 1. To qualify for Stage 2, you must be a CNL Member and place in Top 5 or 50% (whichever is highest). Athletes will compete in their region (Eastern or Western) to determine their qualification to Stage 2 and eventually to the Eastern / Western Finals.
Anyone can compete in a Stage 1 Qualifier. Only CNL Members will be eligible to qualify to Stage 2 and earn leaderboard points.
If a CNL athlete has already qualified for Stage 2 (from another competition), the next qualified CNL athlete will advance through to Stage 2.
Top 5 or 50% (whichever is highest) will qualify to Stage 2.
Eg. If there are 11 athletes competing, then the Top 6 will qualify for Stage 2.
Eg. If there are 4 athletes competing, then all 4 will qualify to Stage 2.
Athletes that have already qualified to Stage 2 will not take another qualifying spot. It will go to the next CNL member.
Gyms can choose to have a single course or multi-course competition format.
Points are awarded based on number of obstacles completed and then time. You may choose to retry one failed obstacle (you must retry that obstacle immediately after you fail, before moving on). If you have a ‘clean run’ and pass all obstacles without using your retry, the athlete will earn a bonus point.
Placement is determined by the most number of points, then time. If there is a tie on points, then it’ll go based on time.
You must compete in your own region’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 qualifiers to advance to the Eastern / Western Finals. Regions are based on your home province.
East Region - ON, QC, NL, NS, NB, PE, MB*
West Region - BC, AB, SK, NT, YK, NU, MB*
*Manitoba athletes can choose which region they'd like to participate in for this season.
Stage 2
Each Stage 2 competition will be a multi-course.
Number of Stage 2’s:
ON x 4 (Top 3 qualify to Eastern Finals)
QC x 1 (Top 6 qualify to Eastern Finals)
AB x3 (Top 3 at Cor.Fit & Fitset Calgary; Top 6 at Fitset Edmonton qualify to Western Finals)
BC x1 (Top 6 qualify to Western Finals)
MB x1 (Top 3 qualify to either Eastern / Western Finals)
Anyone can compete in a Stage 2 qualifier. Only CNL Members who qualified from a CNL Stage 1 will be able to advance to the Eastern / Western Finals.
If a CNL athlete has already qualified for the Eastern / Western Finals, the next qualified CNL athlete will advance from Stage 2.
If a non-CNL Member competes in Stage 2, they can not qualify for the Eastern / Western Finals.
If an athlete has qualified at a WNL Standard Qualifier to the WNL Regional, they may also compete at a CNL Stage 2.
The athlete must purchase a CNL membership to compete in Stage 2, and they must email CNL (info@canadianninjaleague) to connect the two systems and ninjaworks together.
Eastern / Western Finals
Those who have qualified from Stage 2 will compete in either an Eastern / Western Finals, depending on which region they qualified.
Registration emails will be sent directly to those athletes who have qualified for the Eastern and Western Finals.
Western Finals will be March 15/16, 2025 at Momentum Movement Academy. Registration will be open from Feb 24th to March 3rd.
Eastern Finals will be April 5/6, 2025 at Warrior Factory Hamilton. Registration will be open from March 22nd to March 31st.
The Top 8 from each final will advance to National Finals.
Only CNL athletes who have qualified from their region’s Stage 2 will be able to compete in the Eastern / Western Finals.
Registration links will be sent directly to qualified athletes.
Each host gym is responsible for determing the multi-course format for their Finals. Percent Based Scoring System will be used for final results.
Top 8 from each Finals will advance and qualify for the National Finals.
2025 National Finals
The Top 8 from each Eastern and Western Finals will advance to the National Finals. The 2025 National Finals will be held in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec from April 25-27, 2025, hosted by MST Ninja Gym.
Stay tuned for more details as they’re confirmed!
World Ninja League
We are proud to partner with World Ninja League for some amazing cross-qualifying opportunities between the leagues.
Top 10 from the 2025 National Finals will qualify directly for the WNL Championships in June 20-23, 2025 in Greensboro, NC.
Cross qualify from WNL’s area qualifiers to CNL Stage 2. Top 3 from a WNL area qualifier will be eligible to compete at a CNL Stage 2. CNL Membership must be purchased to advance to the Eastern / Western Finals
Cross qualify from CNL Stage 1 to WNL Regional.
Learn more
Each ninja league is different with their own set of rules and format. Get to know CNL’s rules HERE.
Get your Season 5 Membership HERE
Hopefully we can answer some of your most common questions HERE.
If not, please contact us at